Immersive Studio - Immersive Technology Experts UK

Ventuz Interactive Interface For Model Control

The Brief

The brief for this project was to develop a Ventuz interactive interface to drive a miniature model display, demonstrating the effects of cyber hacks on various sectors.

Exhibition Space - Immersive Studio
Ventuz Interactive Interface For Model Control - Immersive Studio
Ventuz Interactive Interface For Model Control - Immersive Studio
Ventuz Interactive Interface For Model Control - Immersive Studio

Are You Looking To Create An Interactive Installation?

The Installation

The design team created an engaging Ventuz interface where users could explore the impact of different levels of attacks on each sector and learn how the Providers application helps prevent these attacks. This interactive experience offers an innovative way to visualize and understand the consequences of cyber threats and the importance of robust cybersecurity measures.

Ventuz Uk Design Live experience

Do You Want To Find Out More About Interactive Installations?

The team at Immersive Studio are here to help you with your upcoming  Ventuz interactive interface or alternative interactive installation projects or if you want to find out more about Ventuz click here. Contact us with your brief and estimated budget on 0203 848 9035 or email info@immersive or complete the contact form below.