Immersive Studio - Immersive Technology Experts UK
Hilti BIMs VR Animated 360 Video

Hilti bims VR animated 360 video

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Using the latest technologies in VR we created this virtual experience for  Hilti who wanted a presentation for their graduate recruitment campaign.

This BIMs VR Animated 360 Video is one of three complete 360 environments created for JWT London for their client Hilti. This example portray Hilti Sales Consultants showing their clients a real-time render of their building project. The campaign was created to be used at major recruitment events where Hilti’s aim was  to attract a new generation of graduate talent and promote ‘construction’ as a progressive and exciting industry at the fore front of technological development.  We were required to look at 3 x scenarios to work primarily as a very hi resolution image at 10,000 pixels square and then be repurposed as a subtle 360 animation 360 immersive experience.  We were  responsible for the whole production, from the initial set design right way through to the spatial audio creation.  It was a great project to create as it gave us the opportunity to create one CG environment that was accessible from both traditional print media through to complete immersion as a BIMs VR Animated 360 Video presentation.

This BIMs VR Animated 360 Video Solution Includes:

Immersive Studio - Hilti BIMs Static Image
Hilti BIMs Still Image Created for 10000px x 100000px Display

For more information on this BIMs VR Animated 360 Video project or if you are looking to create an immersive experience for your business, products or services then please contact us at or call us direct on +44 (0)203 8489035

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