Immersive Studio - Immersive Technology Experts UK

Interactive Pop-Up Installation For Movie Premiere


Interactive pop-up installation combing interactive glass, touchscreen, LED, using Ventuz real-time graphics software.

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The Brief

Collaborating with Brand Revolution and Paramount Pictures, our design team were tasked with creating an interactive showcase to promote the launch of the film “Ghost In the Shell” in the heart of London’s West End at “Lights of Soho.” The team employed a combination of a transparent insulating glass unit and interactive touch surface for a fully interactive window display, celebrating the film’s launch.

Interactive pop-up installation soho
Interactive Pop-Up Installation exhibition

Are You Looking To Create An Interactive Pop-Up Installation?

The Installation

The Ventuz design team developed the content for the touch window, where executives and directors were invited to the after-party following the film premiere. The attendees were captivated by the immersive installation, resulting in a memorable and engaging experience for all involved.

Interactive Pop-Up Installation interface screengrab - Immersive Studio
Interactive Pop-Up Installation interface screengrab - Immersive Studio
Interactive Pop-Up Installation interface screengrab - Immersive Studio
Interactive Pop-Up Installation interface screengrab - Immersive Studio

Software Used

Ventuz Real-Time Graphics Software

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Do You Want To Find Out More About Interactive Pop-Up Installations?

The team at Immersive Studio are here to help you with your upcoming Interactive Pop-Up Installtions or if you want to find out more about Ventuz Real-Time 3D Technology click here. Contact us with your brief and estimated budget on 0203 848 9035 or email info@immersive or complete the contact form below.